We recently covered on the REPUTATION REVOLUTION podcast the vexed question: Personal brand versus business brand - which one should we focus on? In this episode, we tackle an equally common …
Why having the right mindset is the ‘secret sauce’ of successful personal branding
Being seen as a credible expert or thought leader in today’s ‘reputation economy’ brings with it a raft of benefits and opportunities potentially closed off to those leaders and professionals who are …
How to ensure your personal brand journey starts on the right footing
Building (and sustaining) a credible personal brand, one that lifts your profile and elevates your professional standing in the marketplace, doesn’t just happen by itself. It takes serious time and …
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Leadership content: rocket fuel for your brand reputation
In a previous post, I outlined my ‘Content Groups’ model (above) and explained how it has assisted me in helping marketers, PR people and business owners to clarify their thinking around the content …
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Learn how to become a credible, influential voice in your industry
We live in a world where virtually anybody can create content, become their own media channel, get attention, build an audience, and profit from the personal brand they build. There is an abundance …
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202: Why leaders should stand up, stand out and be social, with Roger Christie, Propel Group
The argument for entrepreneurs, leaders and senior executives to be active on social media is very, very solid. Indeed, there is no shortage of research to back this up. We've discussed the case …