Once upon a time I had hair. Lots of it! But then ... not so much. It took a little while for me to get to the completely 'chrome dome' stage, although looking around, I daresay I bit the bullet …
These 10 PR and marketing books will get you revved up for a huge 2018
I've read some terrific books this year, many of which skew towards PR, marketing and communications. Here are a few that got my attention. As an aside, most of these books are hard copy versions. I …
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These 12 PR and marketing podcasts will get you revved up
I'm a podcast junkie. Have been for years and I continue to listen to at least one podcast a day, sometimes two. The podcasts I listen to span a range of categories of interest, although a large …
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RESEARCH: What types of content are Australian marketers using?
Australian businesses and organisations use on average 5-6 different types of content for content marketing purposes, according to new research produced by the Content Marketing Institute, in …
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PERSONAL BRANDING: Why your online visibility matters
In a connected world where people do their homework before doing business with you, how do you stack up? Does your online presence do the 'professional you' justice? ‘Doing business with you’ could …
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How to use content to build visibility for your business or personal brand
The content you publish, distribute and amplify can have a huge impact on the degree of visibility your brand has in the marketplace or community in which you operate. But you need to be strategic …
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