In this opening episode for Season 7 of my podcast REPUTATION REVOLUTION – the 250th no less! – we have something special in store for you 👏
To mark the occasion, I invited some past guests of the show to give us a brief answer to an open-ended question:
“From a personal branding or professional marketing perspective, what’s the one thing that’s really working well for you currently?”
We had lots of interesting answers, including some timely reminders for us all! #Gold
It is indeed a bumper episode and a bit longer than usual as we feature 17 contributors all up (in no particular order):
- Mitch Jackson
- Nic Hayes
- Susanna Reay
- Adam Franklin
- Tristan White
- Jane Tabachnick
- Heath Evans
- Julian Mather
- Sarah Mitchell
- Mark Masters
- Michelle B. Griffin
- Alan & Emily Braithwaite
- Mark Schaefer
- Dr Jen Frahm
- John Espirian
- Myles Harris
- Michelle J. Raymond
I’m confident you’ll get a lot of great ideas and actionable tips from listening to this episode!
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