One in 10 internet users in Australia are protesting online via making us the second highest number of users of the website, per capita, globally. A survey of’s two million …
Taking things up a notch on LinkedIn with Des Walsh
EPISODE 8 OF THE REPUTATION REVOLUTION PODCAST Queensland-based social media author, speaker and business coach Des Walsh is my special guest this week on the Reputation Revolution podcast. Des helps …
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Deconstructing thought leadership with Craig Badings
EPISODE 6 OF THE REPUTATION REVOLUTION PODCAST This week I chat with Craig Badings, a thought leader who specialises in thought leadership (yes folks, that's a lot of thought leadership!). Craig is …
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How Bluewire Media creates web marketing that works, with Adam Franklin
The world of marketing is changing at a fast rate of knots. That much we are all very aware of. Content is increasingly playing a crucial role in attracting the public to your company's virtual door; …
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How Ross Clennett leverages the power of blogging, Twitter and LinkedIn to flourish in a business-to-business niche
EPISODE 4 OF THE REPUTATION REVOLUTION PODCAST In this episode of the Reputation Revolution podcast, Trevor Young chats with Ross Clennett (above) – an Australian-based speaker/trainer/writer/coach …
Leading the way with passion, purpose and strategic intent, with Dionne Kasian-Lew
EPISODE 2 OF THE REPUTATION REVOLUTION PODCAST When Melbourne-based corporate communications and social media expert Dionne Kasian-Lew ran the communications department at the high-profile government …