If you are an entrepreneur, subject matter expert or business professional and your goal is to lift your profile, grow your influence and build your personal brand and reputation, at the very least …
The LAW OF ATTRACTION 3.0: Achieving personal business success in a noisy, socially-connected world
Some eight years ago a personal development juggernaut called The Secret hit the big time, and then some! The Secret started life as a film that was turned into a book before exploding into a …
3 ways to get more value from events using social media
Despite all the hoopla surrounding online marketing and social media, one thing that keeps hitting home to me time and time again is the huge value associated with face-to-face activity, specifically …
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What content marketers can learn from Bruce Springsteen
I attended one of Bruce Springsteen's Melbourne concerts last week. I'm a bit spoiled, it was the second time I'd seen him in under 12 months :) While I enjoyed the concert immensely and was with …
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BECOME A ‘MICRO MAVEN’ PART 4 – Create the ideal business for YOUR lifestyle
You're a creative entrepreneur with expertise in, and passion for, a particular subject. This subject could be based around your chosen vocation - i.e. you might be a solo professional (or running a …
BECOME A ‘MICRO MAVEN’ PART 3 – Grow a business off the back of your reputation
Becoming a micro maven is a journey. First you have to develop your platform and build your personal brand. The key is to leverage the power of social media, content marketing and traditional PR …