You're a creative entrepreneur with expertise in, and passion for, a particular subject. This subject could be based around your chosen vocation - i.e. you might be a solo professional (or running a …
BECOME A ‘MICRO MAVEN’ PART 3 – Grow a business off the back of your reputation
Becoming a micro maven is a journey. First you have to develop your platform and build your personal brand. The key is to leverage the power of social media, content marketing and traditional PR …
BECOME A ‘MICRO MAVEN’ PART 1 – Establish a platform that rocks!
A critical first step in becoming a micro maven is developing a robust platform from which to increase your reach, your visibility and your influence. This is something you’re going to need to get …
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What is a ‘micro maven’?
The emergence of the social web has seen the rise and rise of a new breed of entrepreneur who is creative and connected, prolific and passionate, socially savvy and community-minded. These new-look …