Welcome to the podcast’s season 4 opener in which I outline the importance of clarity, content, consistency and community when building a credible thought leader brand.
This episode is designed to set the scene for the year ahead.
I place emphasis on the power of consistency when it comes to building a strong professional personal brand: consistency of the message you convey, consistency of the quality of the content you produce, consistency in the way you show up, and consistency in your tone of voice.
Consistency builds trust.
I also stress the importance of being professionally curious.
Look at other thought leaders – not just those in your particular professional domain either – and check them out in detail: follow them on LinkedIn or Twitter, check out their articles, subscribe to their newsletter, listen to their podcasts, watch their videos, buy their book if they have one.
Digest your findings:
- Does their story and message resonate with you, and why?
- What is it about them that appeals to you emotionally, or intellectually?
- Are they consistent in their approach, across multitude of channels?
Set a benchmark in your own mind what constitutes a credible thought leader, and then apply this rigour to your own situation.
Influence & IMPACT
In this episode I mention Influence & IMPACT, my fortnightly email letter full of useful tips, interesting stories, thought-provoking ideas and links to cool stuff, all related to building a visible and trusted personal brand in a way that’s respectful and sustainable.
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