Sarah Makris is an Australian leadership communications coach.
Having built up an impressive track record in the corporate sector, Sarah now helps senior executives and entrepreneurs build their public profile, develop their online presence and fast-track their career and business.
In this episode, Sarah and I discuss the importance of having a professional personal brand today, and why it’s important to know where do you want to go: What is your goal?
Then, the question is: Where are you today? Set a benchmark: How are you perceived in the marketplace?
Sarah and I cover a range of topics during the course of the conversation, including:
- The two reasons why leaders and professionals don’t create and publish original content
- Pointless posting (“pointless posting is just posting anything for the sake of it,” says Sarah).
- Adding value through content curation … but have a point of view!
- Utility vs leadership content
- Finding your voice through writing, and why you shouldn’t expect perfection straight away (Sarah once ran a fashion blog: “I remember reading the first post that I wrote … (it) was just so bad,” she says)
- The importance of voice coaching in building personal confidence
- The power of ‘behind-the-scenes’ content’, while at the same time being true to your brand
- Eliminating jargon and corporate speak when communications – “let’s pretend that we are explaining this to your grandma and she has no idea,” says Sarah.
QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Create your own personal brand. Don’t leave it to others to decide who you are” – Sarah Makris,

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