This week’s episode focuses on the story of ‘cyber cop’, Susan McLean. Susan is a world-recognised leader in the area of cyber safety and young people, and was the first Victoria Police Officer appointed to a position involving cyber safety.
She has dozens of certifications, and has spoken at over 1,000 schools all around Australia.
Thought leader journey
In this wide-ranging podcast chat, Susan and I discuss her journey from police officer to thought leader, touching on a range of topics including:
- the importance of standing your ground on issues you believe in
- building a profile through the media
- working with journalists and producers
- how to use Twitter to expand one’s influence
- the differences between Twitter and Facebook
- working with partners to reach a broader audience.
Susan also unpacks the commercial side of her personal brand, explaining the various strands, or arms, of her business.
Plus she tells the story of being caught up in the Barcelona terrorist attack several years back, and how using Twitter on that day resulted in her participating in over 87 interviews with media outlets from around the world.
If you want to better understand what’s required to build your professional profile and grow a business around your personal brand, you’ll love this real-life example of Susan McLean!
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